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EMPIRE777 Casino Online also awards loyal players with the best casino bonuses and rebates!", "Example: Player wins and wants to withdraw when his/her balance is 100USD.", "*If using bonuses to play slots, the bonus wagering will automatically be adjusted to x30.", "Khuyến mãi này chỉ dành cho người chơi đăng ký thành viên lần đầu tiên và chưa có giao dich nạp tiền thành công tại Empire777.", "10 USD miễn phí chỉ có thể sử dụng trong các trò chơi Slot game.", "Tiền thưởng miễn phí có yêu cầu doanh thu đặt cược x5 lần trước khi chuyển vào ví tiền mặt của người chơi.", "Số dư còn lại sau khi người chơi hoàn thành doanh thu đặt cược sẽ được chuyển đổi từ ví tiền thưởng sang ví tiền mặt, tối đa là 50 USD cho khuyến mãi tiền thưởng này.", "Bất kỳ khoản tiền thắng cược còn lại sau khi rút tối đa 50 USD sẽ bị huỷ bỏ.", "Để rút được tiền từ ví tiền mặt, người chơi cần nạp tiền thành công ít nhất 5 USD ngay sau khi hoàn thành yêu cầu doanh thu đặt cược.", "Số dư thắng cược và tiền nạp cần hoàn thành yêu cầu doanh thu đặt cược x1 lần trước khi rút tiền.", "", "Ví dụ: Người chơi nhận tiền thưởng miễn phí 10 USD và hoàn thành yêu cầu doanh thu đặt cược x5 lần. Số dư trong ví tiền thưởng là 100 USD và sẽ được chuyển từ ví tiền thưởng sang ví tiền mặt tối đa là 50 USD. Số dư ví tiền mặt hiện tại là 50 USD.", "", "", "Chỉ người chơi đăng ký theo đường link đặc biệt mới hợp lệ tham gia khuyến mãi.", "Người chơi sẽ được yêu cầu xác minh thông tin tài khoản qua điện thoại trước khi được cộng tiền thưởng.", "Nếu người chơi thua hết tiền thưởng, người chơi vẫn có thể nạp tiền bình thường và doanh thu yêu cầu đặt cược của khuyến mãi này sẽ tự động hủy bỏ.", "Sau khi nhận tiền thưởng miễn phí, người chơi sẽ không đủ điều kiện tham gia bất kỳ giải đấu hoặc chương trình khuyến mãi nào cho đến khi người chơi hoàn thành yêu cầu doanh thu đặt cược cho khuyến mãi tiền thưởng miễn phí này.", "Người chơi có thể tham gia khuyến mãi 100% Thưởng Chào Mừng hoặc nạp tiền nhận Vòng Quay Miễn Phí ở lần nạp tiền thành công thứ hai.", "Tiền thưởng miễn phí và tiền nạp cho khuyến mãi này chỉ được sử dụng chơi trong sản phẩm Slot game. Tất cả tiền thắng cược khi chơi các sản phẩm khác sẽ bị huỷ bỏ.", "EMPIRE777 có quyền bảo lưu các điều kiện và điều khoản bất kỳ lúc nào, bao gồm hủy bỏ, sửa đổi, trì hoãn chương trình hoặc tịch thu bất kỳ khoản tiền thắng nào.", "Điều kiện và điều khoản khuyến mãi chung được áp dụng.", "Điều khoản sử dụng chung áp dụng.", "", "โปรโมชั่นนี้สำหรับผู้เล่นที่ลงทะเบียนใหม่กับทาง Empire777 เป็นครั้งแรก", "ฟรีเครดิต 300 บาท สามารถวางเดิมพันได้ในเกมสล็อตเท่านั้น", "ผู้เล่นต้องทำยอดเทิร์นโอเวอร์ให้ครบ 5 เท่า หลังจากนั้นยอดเงินคงเหลือในบัญชีจะถูกย้ายไปกระเป๋าเงินสดโดยอัตโนมัติ", "ยอดชนะจากฟรีเครดิตจะโอนไปยังกระเป๋าเงินสดสูงสุด 900 บาท", "ยอดชนะที่เกินจาก 900 บาทขึ้นไปจะถือเป็นโมฆะ", "การถอนเงินจากกระเป๋าเงินสด ผู้เล่นต้องทำการฝากเงินขั้นต่ำ 500 บาท ในทันทีหลังจากที่ยอดเงินถูกย้ายมากระเป๋าเงินสดเรียบร้อยแล้ว", "ยอดเงินคงเหลือ + ยอดฝาก จะต้องวางเดิมพันอย่างน้อย 1 ครั้ง ก่อนทำการถอน", "", "ตัวอย่าง : ผู้เล่นได้รับฟรีเครดิต 300 บาท และวางเดิมพันครบ 5 เท่า (1,500 บาท)และยอดเงินหลังจากทำเทิร์นโอเวอร์ได้ครบคือ 2,000 บาท จากนั้น ยอดเงินจากกระเป๋าโบนัสจะถูกโอนเข้าสู่กระเป๋าเงินสดในจำนวนสูงสุดที่ 900 บาทตัวอย่างการคำนวนยอดเทิร์นโอเวอร์", "", "", "ผู้เล่นที่ลงทะเบียนผ่านลิงค์นี้เท่านั้น จึงจะสามารถรับโบนัสฟรีเครดิตได้", "บัญชีของผู้เล่นจะต้องผ่านการยืนยันตัวตนทางเบอร์โทรศัพท์ที่ลงทะเบียนไว้ ก่อนที่โบนัสฟรีเครดิตจะปรับเข้าสู่บัญชีของผู้เล่น", "หากผู้เล่นใช้ฟรีเครดิตจนหมด ผู้เล่นยังสามารถฝากเงินและลงเดิมพันได้ตามปกติ โดยเงื่อนไขและข้อกำหนดของฟรีเครดิตจะไม่ถูกนำมาใช้", "โปรโมชั่นฟรีเครดิตจะไม่สามารถเข้าร่วมในทัวร์นาเมนท์ หรือโปรโมชั่นอื่นๆได้จนกว่าจะครบยอดเทิร์นโอเวอร์", "ผู้เล่นยังสามารถรับโบนัส “ยอดฝากครั้งแรก 100%” หรือ “ฝากเงินรับฟรีสปิน” ได้อีก ในการฝากครั้งที่สอง", "ฟรีเครดิตและเงินฝากในโปรโมชั่นสำหรับวางเดิมพันในเกมสล็อตเท่านั้น หากผู้เล่นชนะในเกมอื่นๆ เงินรางวัลในเกมอื่นๆจะเป็นโมฆะ", "EMPIRE777ขอสงวนสิทธิ์ในการเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขโดยไม่ต้องแจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้า รวมไปถึงการยกเลิก แก้ไข ระงับโปรโมชั่น หรือรางวัลใดๆ", "เงื่อนไขโปรโมชั่นทั่วไป มีผลบังคับใช้", "เงื่อนไขทั่วไป มีผลบังคับใช้", "", "此优惠仅限于未成功存款的羽博777首注册玩家。", "USD10(VN)/USD20(JP)/MYR30/THB300 免费奖金只能使用在老虎机游戏上。", "此奖金必须达到5倍流水要求才会自动转到现金钱包。", "完成流水要求后奖金余额将会自动从奖金钱包转至现金钱包内,上限为 USD60(JP)/USD50(VN)/MYR150/THB900。", "任何超过上限的余额将被自动取消。", "玩家在提款前,必须在完成流水要求后,存款最低5USD(VN)/20USD(JP)/MYR30/500THB。", "余额+存款金额达到1倍流水要求即可提款。", "", "举例: 玩家获得MYR30免费奖金且已完成5倍流水要求。完成流水要求后余额还剩下MYR200,只有MYR150会自动转到现金钱包内。现余额将会是MYR150。", "", "", "玩家必须在指定的链接里注册才能获得申请此优惠的资格。", "玩家必须通过电话审核后才能获得此优惠奖金。", "如果玩家把免费奖金用完了,玩家可以照常进行存款,而这个优惠的流水要求将不会继续计算在内。", "使用此奖金将不符合参加任何锦标赛或其他优惠活动的资格,直到玩家完成所有流水要求。", "玩家第二笔存款成功仍可申请‘100%欢迎奖金’或是‘免费旋转’。", "免费奖金和此优惠存款金额只能用于老虎机游戏,任何在其他游戏类型的盈利将会被取消。", "羽博777保留随时自行更改这些条款和条件的权力,包括取消,修改或暂停活动/取消任何盈利。", "适用于一半优惠规则与条款。", "适用于一半规则与条款。", "", "このプロモーションは初めてEMPIRE777にご登録頂くプレイヤーが対象です。", "USD20/MYR30/THB300 のサインアップボーナスはスロットゲームにのみご利用頂けます。", "このボーナスは 5倍の出金条件 をクリアする事で現金に換金されます。", "出金条件をクリアした場合、ボーナスは USD60/MYR150/THB900を上限に 現金に換金されます。", "上限金額を超えた場合、超過分は没収されます。", "当ボーナスの出金は、出金条件を超えた後に最低 20USD/MYR30/500THB以上を入金する必要があります。", "入金後、残高+入金額の総額と同額の出金条件が設定されます。", "", "例: プレイヤーは20USDのボーナスを受け取り、5倍の出金条件をクリア。この時点で80 USDが残高にある場合、超過分の20USDが没収され上限額の60USDが現金ウォレットに移行する。 出金条件は以下を参照。", "", "", "このボーナスを獲得するには、プレイヤーは特定のリンクから申請する必要があります。", "プレイヤーが残高をすべて消費した場合、ボーナスの出金条件は消失する為、入金後は他のプロモーションが申請可能です。", "このボーナスの全ての出金条件をクリアしない限り、このボーナスからのベットはトーナメント、またはプロモーションにおいて適用できません。", "このボーナスが適用されている場合、プレイヤーは2回目の入金に対して100%初回入金ボーナスまたはフリースピンボーナスを申請する事ができます。", "このボーナスおよび、ボーナスに対しての入金はスロットでの利用に限定されます。その他のゲームにおいて獲得された勝利金は没収されます。", "EMPIRE777はいかなる時もこの キャンペーンを拒否、停止、変更、又は終了できる権利を有します。", "通常のキャンペーン利用規約が適用されます。", "通常の利用規約が適用されます。", "", "", "Tiền Thưởng được cập nhật vào tài khoản EMPIRE777 trong vòng 6 giờ", "web để xem các khuyến mãi khác.", "", "", "หลังจากการตรวจสอบบัญชีของท่านเสร็จสิ้น โบนัสฟรีเครดิตจะปรับเข้าสู่บัญชีของท่านภายใน 6 ชั่วโมงค่ะ ดู", "โปรโมชั่นเพิ่มเติม", "", "", "奖金将会在通过审核后的6个小时内添加到玩家的羽博777账户。", "请到我们的网页查询更多优惠活动", "", "", "ボーナスは審査終了後6時間以内にEMPIRE777のアカウントに反映されます。", "当サイトでその他のプロモーションを確認しよう", "", "", "Bonus will be issued to your Empire777 account within 6 hours after verification.", "Visit our website to see our other promo.", "", "", "", "Vui lòng điền vào mẫu đơn dưới đây (Thông tin cần trùng khớp với thông tin đã đăng ký)", "", "Họ và Tên:", "Điện Thoại:", "E-Mail:", "", "Lưu Ý: Tiền cược Miễn Phí chỉ dành cho Thành Viên mới chưa gửi tiền và không có tài khoản trùng lập tại EMPIRE777", "", "", "function setCookievn() {
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}", "", "", "请填写以下表格 (请确所有填写资料和注册的资料一致)", "", "全名:", "电话号码:", "邮箱地址:", "", "此项优惠仅限于未成功存款的玩家并无重复个人羽博777注册账户。", "", "", "function setCookiesc() {
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}", "", "", "下記フォームを記入してください。(  登録情報と同一である必要があります。)", "", "氏名:", "電話番号:", "メールアドレス:", "", "注意事項:入金不要ボーナスは、未入金の方またEMPIRE777にて複数アカウントがない新規のプレイヤー様にのみ進呈可能です。", "", "", "function setCookiejp() {
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}", "", "", "Please fill out the form below (All details must be same as registered details)", "", "FULL NAME:", "PHONE NUMBER:", "EMAIL:", "", "Note: Free credit is only available for new players who have not yet deposited and doesn't have duplicate account at EMPIRE777", "", "", "function setCookieen() {
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}", "This promotion is only entitled to new player who is signing up in Empire777 for the first time.", "USD10(VN)/USD20(JP)/MYR30/THB300 Free Bet credits can only be used for Slots games.", "Free bet credits are required to be turned over X5 times before it can be transferred to players cash wallet", "The remaining balance after player completed wagering will be converted from Bonus Restricted wallet to Cash wallet and any winning will be capped at USD60(JP)/USD50(VN)/MYR150/THB900 for this promotion.", "Any amount exceeding capped amount will be forfeited.", "To withdraw fund from cash wallet, players must make a minimum deposit of 5USD(VN)/ 20USD(JP)/MYR30/500THB right away after completing the turnover requirement.", "Balance + Deposit amount has to be turned over for 1 time before withdrawal.", "", "Example: Player received free credit MYR30 and complete wagering x5. Remaining balance after complete wagering is MYR 200. Fund will be converted to cash wallet with amount MYR150. Current balance is MYR150.", "", "", "Only player who register under specific link will be qualified to claim this bonus.", "Player is required to have a call verification to be eligible to receive this bonus.", "If the player loses all bonus money, the player can still make deposits as usual and the promotion wagering requirement no longer apply.", "Claiming this free credit will not qualify player to any other tournament or promotion until they finish all wagering required for this promotion.", "Player are entitled to claim either one of the ‘100% Welcome Bonus’ or ‘Deposit Get Free Spins’ on their second successful deposit.", "Free credit and deposit amount for this promotion should only be used in slots. Any winnings from other games will be forfeited.", "EMPIRE777 reserves the right, at any time, to alter these terms and conditions at its sole discretion which includes canceling, modifying, suspending the promotion and/or forfeit any winnings.", "General Promotions Terms and Conditions apply.", "General Terms of Use apply.", "", "Promosi ini hanya untuk pemain yang tidak pernah berjaya deposit dengan EMPIRE777.", "Untuk dapat mengeluarkan wang dari kemenangan, pemain perlu deposit jumlah sama dengan jumlah baki yang ingin mengeluarkan. (Minimum deposit keperluan USD 30/MYR 50/THB 500).", "Kiraan taruhan akan mula kira selepas pemain berjaya deposit. Kiraan taruhan untuk Live Kasino / Pemainan Meja adalah adalah 8x dan 30x untuk slot.", "", "Contoh: Pemain menang dan ingin mengeluarkan wang dia dengan baki MYR 100", "", "", "", "Jenis Permainan", "Live Kasino / Pemainan Meja", "SLOTS(Kecuali Bilik Permainan Beer / Permainan Bukan Slot)", "Baki", "MYR 100", "MYR 100", "Pertaruhan", "8x", "30x", "Jumlah Deposit", "MYR 100", "MYR 100", "Peratusan Petaruhan", "15%", "100%", "Taruhan Sah", "(100 + (Bonus MYR 30 x 8))/15% = MYR 2,267", "100 + (Bonus MYR 30 x 30) = MYR 1,000", "", "", "", "Jenis Permainan", "Baki", "Pertaruhan", "Jumlah Deposit", "Peratusan Petaruhan", "Taruhan Sah", "Live Kasino / Pemainan Meja", "MYR 100", "8x", "MYR 100", "15%", "(100 + (Bonus MYR 30 x 8))/15% = MYR 2,267", "SLOTS(Kecuali Bilik Permainan Beer / Permainan Bukan Slot)", "MYR 100", "30x", "MYR 100", "100%", "100 + (Bonus MYR 30 x 30) = MYR 1,000", "", "", "*Jika bonus digunakan main slot, kiraan taruhan bonus akan automatik diselaraskan ke x30.", "", "Hanya pemain yang daftar dengan link tertentu akan dilayakan untuk dapatkan bonus ini.", "Jika pemain habiskan semua kredit bonus, pemain masih boleh deposit dengan transaksi baru. Kiraan taruhan keperluan promosi ini tidak payah diikut lagi.", "Pemain masih dilayak untuk dapatkan “100% Welcome Bonus” dengan deposit kedua-nya.", "EMPIRE777 berhak pada bila-bila masa, untuk mengubah terma dan syarat ini termasuk membatalkan, mengubah atau menggantung promosi.", "Terma dan Syarat promosi umun digunakan.", "Terma dan Syarat umun digunakan.", "", "", "register now.", "Live chat", "", "", "", "", "Join Now", "Live Chat", "web để xem các khuyến mãi khác.", "โปรโมชั่นเพิ่มเติม", "请到我们的网页查询更多优惠活动", "当サイトでその他のプロモーションを確認しよう", "Visit our website to see our other promo.", "Get RM30 FREE Credit NO DEPOSIT", "How do I claim my RM30 / USD 10 Free Credit?", "Tiền Thưởng Miễn Phí Điều Kiện Và Điều Khoản:", "เงื่อนไขและข้อกำหนดในการรับฟรีเครดิต :", "免费奖金规则与条款:", "サインアップボーナス利用規約:", "Terms & Condition", "TERMA & SYARAT", "How to get free bonus USD10/MYR30/THB300/KRW10,000?", "T&C:", "How to play using my FREE RM30 / USD 10 Credit?"]
["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]